Shareholder democracy

Welcome Enhancement to AJ Bell Voting Service

  ShareSoc Congratulates AJ Bell on Improving Enfranchisement of Investors We are delighted to see that AJ Bell have introduced an electronic voting service similar to that already offered by interactive investor. AJ Bell clients now receive emails advising them of general meetings at companies they hold. However, some clarification of how to vote electronically is required. The voting option is available from AJ Bell’s portfolio view, which clients can navigate to, as illustrated in Figure 1 below: Figure 1 Having navigated to portfolio view, clients ...

M&S Shareholder Rights Petition: A Postmortem

This article reflects the opinions of its author and not necessarily those of ShareSoc. With 4,292 signatures, the M&S petition failed to meet the threshold The M&S Shareholder Rights Petition, led by Archie Norman and supported by ShareSoc, UKSA, The QCA and Equiniti, has closed after failing to meet the threshold of 10,000 signatures for a government review and 100,000 signatures for a parliamentary debate. The petition aimed to help more investors engage with UK plcs by modernising the Companies Act, specifically: Giving beneficial ...

ShareSoc and UKSA Response to Digitisation Task Force Interim report

  In this article we highlighted the significance of the interim report issued by Sir Douglas Flint on behalf of the Digitisation Taskforce (DT) and our concerns about it.  After careful deliberation, ShareSoc and UKSA have now submitted this response to Sir Douglas. Special thanks are due to Mohammed Amin, who co-ordinated our joint response.  We express concern that the proposals in the interim report do not fulfil the DT’s terms of reference. In particular, they do not ensure that the rights of current ...

Shareholder Democracy

  Currently, investor campaigns and grass-roots shareholder action groups are obstructed by the barricades that prevent them from communicating with other shareholders. Shareholder contact details increasingly rarely appear on share registers. The fact that the vast majority of individuals’ investments are held via Nominees, means that they become anonymous. They are a company’s beneficial shareholders but they are uncontactable, other than by their broker/platform behind a wall of GDPR rules.  The Shareholder Rights Campaign   ShareSoc has campaigned tirelessly over many years for much more ...

Marks and Spencer and ShareSoc write to Business Secretary Kemi Badenoch

Marks and Spencer and ShareSoc have written to Business Secretary The Rt Hon Kemi Badenoch MP urging the Government to change the Companies Act to modernise it to allow electronic (ie digital) communication with and between shareholders; and to allow digital GMs without the need for companies to change their articles. ShareSoc, UKSA and the QCA are the first co-signatories of the OPEN LETTER to the Business Secretary. All members are encouraged to read and sign the petition. Marks and Spencer has teamed up with the Mail ...

Shareholder Rights

ShareSoc continue to press for the name on the register, i.e. the beneficial owner not just the nominee as part of a package to restore the rights of individual shareholders, who have been disenfranchised by the nominee system and consequently disempowered. See our Shareholder Rights Campaign for more, and to support us on this. Below is some commentary on recent and not so recent relevant developments. You may have seen that Citi have “launched” a new shareholder voting system. It’s a test ...

Shareholder Rights – MoneyWeek article

Shareholder rights and in particular their erosion due to the nominee system are a big problem and one that both the UK Shareholders Association and ShareSoc campaign on (see our Shareholder Rights Campaign). It is hugely disappointing that HM Government has put this on the back burner due to prioritising Brexit and the Great Repeal Act. I would like to draw your attention to this article which includes comment from both the UK Shareholders Association and ShareSoc. My own comment in particular, ...

Defeating Shareholder Democracy at Alliance Trust et al

The existing shareholding arrangements in public companies, with many investors in nominee accounts, now effectively frustrate shareholder democracy. Alternatively they make it either very difficult in practice, or enormously expensive. Let's look at a couple of examples where ShareSoc has some recent experience of requesting share registers - Alliance Trust and Rensburg AIM VCT. In terms of the size of the company and numbers of shareholders Alliance Trust is one of the larger public companies. It has recently come under attack from ...