Marks and Spencer and ShareSoc write to Business Secretary Kemi Badenoch

Marks and Spencer and ShareSoc have written to Business Secretary The Rt Hon Kemi Badenoch MP urging the Government to change the Companies Act to modernise it to allow electronic (ie digital) communication with and between shareholders; and to allow digital GMs without the need for companies to change their articles.

ShareSoc, UKSA and the QCA are the first co-signatories of the OPEN LETTER to the Business Secretary. All members are encouraged to read and sign the petition.

Marks and Spencer has teamed up with the Mail on Sunday to promote the “Share Your Voice Campaign”. The first article in the Mail on Sunday is here.

One comment
  1. Cliff Weight says:

    Please spend 2 minutes to sign the petition to help restore your shareholder rights. ShareSoc has been campaigning for Shareholder Rights since 2104 and now needs your help to make it happen. After you have signed the petition please forward the link to at lest 3 others and make this go viral. Yesterday we had 30 signatories and today we have 187. It will only go viral if people like you help make it happen.

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