A number of experienced (and some less experienced!) investors publish “blogs” (weBlogs) recounting their exploits. Following these blogs can be useful in understanding how other investors operate and there are often suggestions of investment ideas which may be worth researching further. This can help you improve your investment and analytical knowledge. Here is a directory of some of the better blogs, which you may care to look at. Do let us know if you are aware of any other investing blogs you think we should be listing.
$$ Indicates a subscription site, where a subscription must be paid to access content. Other sites listed are free to access.

The ShareSoc Blog
ShareSoc publishes its own blog, with frequent news and opinions about matters affecting UK individual investors. This includes goings on at companies our members may be interested in, regulatory matters that may affect our members, and other economic news. Twitter: @ShareSocUK
WheelieDealer’s website and Blog
“WheelieDealer” is an experienced investor and trader. His website includes his thoughts on investment strategies and various educational investing topics, as well as a blog with his regular thoughts on investments and markets. Twitter: @WheelieDealer
Stock Whittler’s Blog
“Stock Whittler” is another experienced investor. His blog contains educational articles, portfolio and stock reviews and explain his investment methodology. Twitter: @dosh100
Paul Scott’s Small Company Value Report
Well known private investor Paul Scott (aka “PaulyPilot”) writes a daily blog, commenting on news and analysing results from a wide range of mainly smallcap companies. Many investors find Paul’s analysis highly educational, showing how a company’s accounts and statements can be examined to establish positive and negative investment characteristics.
Paul also runs a website, Quality Small Caps, which contains a raft of interviews with company executives and other materials of value to investors in smallcaps. It also includes a “bargepole list” of companies Paul considers uninvestable – it might be worth checking whether any of your own investments or prospective investments are on the list! Of course, just because a company is on Paul’s list does not necessarily mean it will be a bad investment, but it’s worth considering whether his concerns may be valid. Twitter: @paulypilot
Real Worth Stocks
Stephen Gamble’s website covers stocks that other investing services do not cover, which are too small for institutional investors, finding value in the overlooked corners of the market. Twitter: @realworthstocks
$$ John’s Investment Chronicle
This is a website run by former fund manager John Rosier. John has constructed a portfolio, starting in 2012, and documents his trades and thoughts, for subscribers to the website. Twitter: @JohnRosier
Educational articles by Phil Oakley
Professional analyst Phil Oakley of ShareScope has written an excellent (and ongoing) series of educational articles and company analysis and commentary. These are free to access and highly recommended. Twitter: @PhilJOakley
$$ UK Value Investor
UK Value Investor is a website, newsletter and blog, run by experienced and erudite investor, John Kingham. It is aimed at defensive and dividend focused investors. Twitter: @UKValueInvestor
Wexboy – A Value Investing Blog
Wexboy’s high-quality blog is aimed at the slightly more sophisticated investor, and takes no prisoners! It has a more international focus, including UK, Irish and US stocks. Twitter: @Wexboy_Value
The Naked Fund Manager
An interesting blog from a city insider. Offers insights on how a professional fund manager sees the world. Free sign-up required.
Compound Income
A blog from a former fund manager, with a focus on compounding income from quality companies. Twitter: @CompoundIncome
Random Ambler’s Blog
A blog from amateur investor and ShareSoc member, Damian Cannon. Damian doesn’t post often, but his top-class analysis is well worth a read. Twitter: @RandomAmbler
The 7 Circles Blog
A blog from a private investor, who goes by the nom de plume “Mike Rawson”. Lots of good and educational content, for both beginning and experienced investors.. Twitter: @the7circles
Roger Lawson’s Blog
Roger is an experienced investor, and was the founding chairman of ShareSoc. He writes in a forthright manner on investment, regulatory and political topics. Roger also continues to make valuable contributions to ShareSoc’s own blog, but if you want to read his full unexpurgated views, do visit his own blog. Twitter: @RogerWLawson
Shifting Shares
Shifting Shares is a website by ShareSoc member Michael Taylor. The website is primarily concerned with share trading, rather than investing. Michael’s site offers an informative blog, ebooks, tutorials and interviews with other traders. Twitter: @shiftingshares
Behind the Balance Sheet
Behind the Balance Sheet is a website from ShareSoc MasterClass presenter Stephen Clapham. The website is primarily concerned with educating investors rather than stock tips or trading. His blog has in-depth articles on various aspects of investing, for example how to think about stock compensation expenses. His club site has shorter form blogs with topical posts, podcast reviews and articles he has found useful. You can sign up free to get access to the comprehensive investing education resources and library, including fund letters from professional fund managers.
Real Worth Stocks
Real Worth Stocks is a free blog from ShareSoc member, Stephen Gamble, with mostly small-cap value stock write-ups, mainly from the US and UK markets, that you won’t see covered much elsewhere. It also has a monthly subscription service with in-depth research on one undervalued stock pick per month, to understand the business and determine its real/intrinsic worth. Stock investing strategies employed and taught are: value, Ben Graham net-nets, and merger arbitrage, focussing mostly on overlooked small caps which are cheap value stocks. See Member Special Offers – ShareSoc for a discount code for the subscription service.