Our Newsletters

This page contains a list of the contents of all past newsletters issued by ShareSoc. Our Newsletters contain a mixture of topical news items and longer, more in-depth, analyses and reports.

A sample of one of our past newsletters is present in this pdf file (this is the “Full” version of the newsletter as distributed via email to Full Members monthly – Associate Members receive a shorter “Summary” version): Newsletter Sample.  ShareSoc Full Members can obtain copies of all the newsletters summarised on this page, by clicking on each Newsletter and a downloadable copy of the complete newsletter can then be found on the right hand side.

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ShareSoc Informer – Issue 129

In this issue: Is capital gains tax in the chancellor’s firing line?, How significant is fund underperformance?, What really drove August’s market sell-off?, Think tank proposes £10bn shake-up to pension tax: how it could affect you, ShareSoc supports FCA proposal for checks on financial business owners, ShareSoc polls member interest in Argo Blockchain, Hartley clients: still waiting, Eight insights for retirement from a Nobel Laureate, How to retire early and comfortably, Risk, returns and optimising, Why I am furious with Link Group, ...

ShareSoc Informer – Issue 128

In this issue: Labour’s new landscape: why you should resist the urge for portfolio repositioning, Winners in a volatile world, Why boards can’t leave everything to the market – or to the manager, Human impact of the Hartley Pensions case, Woodford Campaign: Link judgment, Will the FCA help or harm Home REIT shareholders?, ShareSoc and UKSA respond to FCA enforcement consultation proposals, UK ISA – a good idea?, JGGI shareholders stymied by slow government reforms, Wealth management advice versus DIY investing, The ...

ShareSoc Informer – Issue 127

In this issue: How useful is best-buy fund consensus?, Why UK corporate governance needs tightening up, 10 shares for a £10,000 income in 2024, The trusts set to benefit from falling rates, Portfolio Reviews 2023, Hartley pensions rollercoaster ride, Woodford Campaign, Digitisation Taskforce Interim Report follow-up, Defective legislation thwarts Europa Oil shareholders, Labour Party financial services review, ShareSoc response to Education Select Committee, Transferring allegiances, Another SIPP provider collapses, Random musings from the Secret Auditor, Terry Smith’s wisdom, Impossible to vote!, ShareSoc Investor Academy resources, SIGnet update, SIGnet launches ...

ShareSoc Informer – Issue 126

In this issue: Manager retirement: no time to take your eye off the ball, Flint ignites a shareholder rights storm, When will the tide turn for private equity?, Is it time to buy bonds?, Woodford Campaign: Link scheme vote, Hartley Pensions client support group, ShareSoc Sirius Shareholders’ Group campaign halted, ShareSoc and UKSA response to Digitisation Task Force interim report, M&S Shareholder Rights Petition: a post-mortem, FCA Consultation GC23/2 Financial Promotions on Social Media, RBS/NatWest: has the leopard changed its spots?, SJP ...

ShareSoc Informer – Issue 125

In this issue: Equity investment trust yields are looking good, Time to take the plunge?, Should oil and gas production be cut?, Corporate reporting and audit regulations, Flint interim report: a betrayal?, Stamp duty tax on UK shares: consultation response, Hartley Pensions client support group, Home REIT campaign update, A new recruit for the policy committee, Widening retail participation in European equity markets, Investor education: more champions needed, ShareSoc’s IT project: major milestone reached, SIGnet Update, Banking made difficult, How to spot ...
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