Press Release 118: Woodford investors
What should you do now? Is compensation possible?
Free 9th March Webevent


  • The extensive Woodford coverage of recent days has highlighted the fact that most potential claimants didn’t know and weren’t being told of the options for redress available to them.
  • Half a million Woodford Equity Income Fund investors now need to do three things:
      1. Join ShareSoc’s Woodford Campaign.
      2. Register for the March 9th Webinar – covering the background to the Woodford Debacle and how investors can claim redress.
      3. Join Leigh Day’s claim #WoodfordPayback.

ShareSoc, the highly influential investor lobby, believes that it is in the interests of all those who lost money in the Woodford Equity Income Fund (WEIF) to now take action and join both the Leigh Day legal claim and the ShareSoc Woodford Campaign.

ShareSoc and Mello Events have arranged a new, free event, the Woodford Debacle – Reflections, Redress and Reform from 6 to 8.30pm on 9th March, to review what went wrong with Woodford, the various claims for redress and what steps investors should take.

ShareSoc has endorsed, for the very first time, a specific legal claim for compensation. This claim is from Leigh Day whose investigations ShareSoc followed for many months. ShareSoc wants to help investors seek financial redress, facilitate communication to and between claimants and to collectively push for changes in both regulations and enforcement to improve standards and accountability.

Director Cliff Weight articulated ShareSoc’s view:

“This is a free webinar. We want all of the many potential claimants to hear why they should join a claim and the differences between the various claims.

The webinar covers what went wrong with Woodford and how we want regulations changed.

We believe pursuing compensation, in this case, benefits all investors, because a successful outcome will result in higher standards of behaviour in the future.”

ShareSoc Director Amit Vedhara added

“Our Woodford Campaign is an essential element in a claimant’s armoury. Collectively investors are more effective – improving the chances of compensation, being more influential in lobbying for regulatory change. The Campaign will keep claimants up to date with developments.

I can’t stress enough that you should tell your friends, even if you didn’t lose money with Woodford, it’s almost certain that some of your family or friends did.”

ShareSoc’s Woodford Campaign objectives are to:

  1. Facilitate communication between Woodford investors
  2. Help affected Woodford investors to recover their losses where possible
  3. Hold to account those who contributed to those losses through action or inaction
  4. Improve the way regulators regulate
Join the ShareSoc Woodford Campaign Register for the 9th March ShareSoc/Mello Event and further details Register with the Leigh Day Claim

Media contact:

Cliff Weight, ShareSoc Director and Woodford Campaign Director.

ShareSoc, the UK Individual Shareholders Society

ShareSoc is the UK’s largest retail shareholder organisation. We aim to make and keep investors better informed, to improve their investment skills and to represent their best interests We don’t shirk from tackling companies, the Government or other institutions if we think individual shareholders are not being treated fairly. See

ShareSoc’s Woodford Campaign Page gives further details of our Campaign and how Woodford Investors can join it.

Leigh Day’s website at gives further details of their claim and how to join it.

Further details of claim insurance cover is at

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