General News

Random Thoughts from the Secret Auditor

This article reflects the opinions of its author and not necessarily those of ShareSoc. Nirvana. Investing nirvana is being as indifferent to losses as to winners. Having been investing for about 20 years I have yet to reach that nirvana, I am never indifferent if the portfolio has had a good day or a bad day, the angst of a bad day outweighs the pleasure of a good day. Which begs the question of whether I would be better off investing in a ...

Market Trends, WeWork, Cryptocurrencies, Passive Saturation

The views expressed in this article are those of its author and not necessarily those of ShareSoc. Note that it was written on 14th November, before the Chancellor's autumn statement. Last week was a remarkable one for my stock market portfolio. Share prices were up on almost all my holdings. This was no doubt sparked by good news; inflation seems to be under control in the USA with CPI falling to 7.7% and the war in Ukraine is looking up as Russia ...

Energy Caps, Verici DX, Equals and Paypoint

The views expressed in this article are those of its author and not necessarily those of ShareSoc. PM Truss's proposal is a cap on prices, not on overall cost so people with big houses with large gas consumption will still pay more. Fracking is also being permitted to boost local gas production. Truss did not give in to calls for this largess to be funded through a windfall tax. She said this would undermine the national interest by discouraging the very investment we ...

In Memoriam: Steve Holdsworth

It was with great sadness that we learnt of the passing of Steve Holdsworth. Friends of Steve cannot but have been infected by his bubbly enthusiasm for all the activities that he undertook. He was generous with his time and always helped when asked to do so. It was a real pleasure to share time with him at the many investor events that he loved to attend. It was really tough for Steve when Covid curtailed those events and he wasn’t able ...

Share Power Book Review

Book Review by ShareSoc Director Cliff Weight Brilliant, insightful, fun and easy to read short book on how ordinary people can change the way that capitalism works. Merryn Somerset Webb’s Share Power is a page turner. I recommend all ShareSoc members buy a copy and read its 145 pages. Should companies care about climate change? Should they be vanquishing the gender pay gap? Should they be advancing human rights in their supply chains? With 11 million people owning shares directly or indirectly, it’s ...

Paul Myners Obituary and BHP Unification Meetings

The views expressed in this article are those of its author and not necessarily those of ShareSoc. Lord Myners has died at the age of 73. He had a big hand in the rescue of the banks in the financial crisis of 2008 as a Treasury Minister in the Labour Government after becoming the socialists’ favourite capitalist. He was also responsible for the Myners Report into institutional investment which had some influence on corporate governance and institutional stewardship in the UK. I met ...

Cladding Rectification – Persimmon et al.

The views expressed in this article represent those of the author, not necessarily those of ShareSoc. My first big investment mistake of the year came to light yesterday. In October last year I started to buy a holding in Persimmon (PSN). The outlook for the housing market seemed bright and the company was trading on a prospective p/e of 11 with a yield of 8.6%. Revenue and earnings growth were forecast for the next couple of years. But Michael Gove yesterday put a ...


If a parent, grandparent or guardian had invested a one-off £1,000 in the average investment company for a child 18 years ago, it would now be worth an impressive £7,740 (a 674% return), or annualised return of 12.0%. This performance data, for the average investment company, is the % share price total return for the weighted average investment company (excluding VCTs). Ten-year performance is from 27/11/2011 to 26/11/2021. Eighteen-year performance is from 27/11/2003 to 26/11/2021. Source: AIC/Morningstar. These are the key points ...

National Pensions Tracing Day 31 Oct 2021

From Cliff Weight, ShareSoc Director A friend from Punter Southall, sent me a round robin email and I thought all ShareSoc members would find it of interest and many would find it useful to help them find their investments. Hello and good morning.  You are one of just 30 people I have chosen to send this message to. National Pension Tracing Day (NPTD) is coming up this weekend and I’m hoping that you can support the campaign in some way, whether that’s with your ...

IPCC Report – The Implications for Investors

This post represents the opinion of its author and not that of ShareSoc The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) have published a report that predicts in stark terms both the historic and predicted changes to the earth’s climate from human activities. This is what they say in the accompanying press release: “Scientists are observing changes in the Earth’s climate in every region and across the whole climate system, according to the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Report, released today. ...