Letter in the FT regarding dematerialised share registration system

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A ShareSoc Member, Michael Coulson, had a letter published in the Financial Times this morning. It points out that there is a tried and tested electronic share registration system called CHESS already in use in Australia. It provides direct share registration for shareholders in a dematerialised form. Mr Coulson suggests it be adopted in the UK rather than have a lengthy and uncertain process of developing a similar system. See http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/1498a2e4-c58a-11e3-97e4-00144feabdc0.html?siteedition=uk#axzz2zcRDWr9t


It would surely be a better system than the prevalent use of nominee accounts for retail investors in the UK which means most of them are disenfranchised and cannot vote.

Roger Lawson

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