Previously known as:
Previous Name: Connect Group plc
Previous TIDM: CNCT
Previous Name: Smiths News plc
Previous TIDM: NWS

AGM Reports

Connect Group (CNCT) AGM Report 2016

Please note that this report represents my personal opinions about Connect Group and its management. It is not intended to be a public document, and I do not wish to affect my relationship with the management by disclosing it to them, so please do not circulate this report or republish on any other websites. Background & Investment Overview I have been a shareholder in Connect Group for four years now and it has proved rather a successful investment, so far, mainly as a result of entering at ...

Corporate Remuneration Reports

Connect Remuneration Report 2017

(2017 AGM) Attached is the Manifest Report. Manifest Executive Remuneration Assessment grade 'C’ (on scale A =good to F=awful) Resolution 2 Report: The bonus cap has been set a high level at 150% of salary. Salary rates for the forthcoming year have not been provided. Company Law states that performance targets must be disclosed unless the Company considers the targets to be commercial sensitive; however, the Company has provided no explanation for the non-disclosure under the bonus scheme for future targets. Manifest has ...

Connect Group PLC remuneration report 2016

A Briefing on remuneration for ShareSoc members The attached note, which highlights a number of concerns, was written by Cliff Weight using the AGM Business Meeting Report prepared by Manifest, the Proxy Voting Agency. Cliff Weight is a remuneration expert, author of the Directors’ Remuneration Handbook and ShareSoc member. Attachments: ShareSocConnectremunerationreport2April2016 ConnectGroupplc