Blog posts

M&S Shareholder Rights Petition: A Postmortem

This article reflects the opinions of its author and not necessarily those of ShareSoc. With 4,292 signatures, the M&S petition failed to meet the threshold The M&S Shareholder Rights Petition, led by Archie Norman and supported by ShareSoc, UKSA, The QCA and Equiniti, has closed after failing to meet the threshold of 10,000 signatures for a government review and 100,000 signatures for a parliamentary debate. The petition aimed to help more investors engage with UK plcs by modernising the Companies Act, specifically: Giving beneficial ...

People want to attend AGMs in person, so we need to find a balance

This article reflects the opinions of its author, Cliff Weight, and not necessarily those of ShareSoc. We need to kickstart a system of connections for shareholders in our digital age Archie Norman’s opinion piece in the FT 14 July “The bond between British business and society has eroded -We need to kickstart a system of connections for shareholders in our digital age” (subscription required) has clarified his clarion call to modernise the Companies Act. This year, M&S experimented with a digital-only AGM and Archie recognises ...

New Year Share Tips – Are They Worth Following?

It’s that time of year when financial magazines and newsletters analyse their past share tip performance and give their New Year tips. Are the tips worth picking up or...

Rights Issues/Open Offers. Should I take up M&S and Egdon?

I am quite keen on the potential of fracking in the UK and own some shares in Egdon. The USA has seen its economy transformed, as it moved very quickly to adopt this new technology and once again has become self sufficient in oil. Sadly (for me), the UK government has been slow to see the economic benefits of fracking and my investment in Egdon has languished. The company has just launched a £2m open offer to finance its next stages of ...

Supermarket Winners and Losers – Ocado, M&S, Waitrose, Sainsburys and ASDA

As a recent purchaser of Ocado (OCDO) shares I have received the notice of a General Meeting to approve the deal with Marks & Spencer (MKS). The agreement is the formation of a new joint venture and will effectively replace the previous partnership with Waitrose (part of John Lewis) to provide own-brand products. This looks a very positive deal for Ocado if you read the detail as the Waitrose deal was restrictive in some regards and Waitrose has also been developing ...

AGM Reports

Marks & Spencer Group PLC (LON:MKS) AGM Report 2024

This report reflects the views of the author and not necessarily those of ShareSoc. Location: M&S Headquarters, Waterside House, 35 North Wharf Road, London W2 1NW. Nearest tubes are – Circle, District, Hammersmith & City, Bakerloo. Online access is the company’s preferred option, with 45+ investors attending in person. Structure: Hybrid AGM with perhaps 1,000 watching the event live online. 45+ attended in the room. Archie Norman, who has been M&S Chairman for 6 years, introduced the 2024 AGM. With scripted videos recycled ...

M&S AGM Report 2023

By Cliff Weight, ShareSoc member and M&S Shareholder. This article reflects the opinions of its author and not necessarily those of ShareSoc.  Quick, Slick 87 minute AGM. Short and Sweet. Sugar and Spice and All Things Nice. Background: M&S performance  With the M&S (MKS) share price increased by 40% over the past 12 months, it was likely to be a nice AGM with relatively little shareholder dissent. However, long term shareholders will remember M&S hit its peak of £6.98 in 2007, crashed to £2.08 ...