
Government delivers a damp squib on executive pay

Press Release 97 - Joint Press Release from UKSA and ShareSoc Bizarre move to publish register of pay offenders managed by non-independent industry fund manager body the Investment Association Positive steps re Stakeholders via FRC consultation on S172 reporting Retail shareholders have been ignored again. The government's long awaited package of reforms on corporate governance was published this morning. The main components of the reforms had already been widely 'leaked' to the media. This morning's publication confirms that the proposals fall well short ...

Organisations Applaud EU Proposal For A Pan-European Personal Pension (Pepp)

Press Release 96 SHARESOC AND UKSA, ALONG WITH BETTER FINANCE, APPLAUD EU PROPOSAL FOR A PAN-EUROPEAN PERSONAL PENSION (PEPP) TO DEFUSE THE TICKING PENSIONS TIME BOMB, AND URGE THE UK GOVERNMENT TO MAKE FURTHER PROGRESS ON FOSTERING RETAIL INVESTMENT IN CAPITAL MARKETS Cliff Weight, Director of ShareSoc commented, "The UK Government needs to ensure that, after BREXIT, we continue to look after the rights of individual investors and needs parallel process to the EU to solve the pensions timebomb." ShareSoc and UKSA ...

Organisations Urge Government To Foster Retail Investments In Capital Markets

Press Release 94 - SHARESOC AND UKSA, ALONG WITH BETTER FINANCE, WELCOMES THE CAPITAL MARKETS UNION MID-TERM REVIEW REPORT, AND - URGE THE UK GOVERNMENT TO MAKE PROGRESS ON FOSTERING RETAIL INVESTMENT IN CAPITAL MARKETS Cliff Weight, Director of ShareSoc commented, "The UK Government needs to ensure that, after BREXIT, we continue to look after the rights of individual investors." There is an abundance of investable private capital in the UK and Europe, with households desperately looking for positive real returns on their long-term savings ...