Sirius Claim

Sirius Minerals Update #14

News Item Sirius Minerals: Following the update in December, the Sirius Claim Group has continued its work to collate and present information to support any potential claim(s). This reached an initial conclusion and since April we have been engaged with a legal firm to review the potential. This process involves a number of stages and will naturally take an amount of time. It may also require us to review the information with more than one legal firm to achieve the desired outcome which ...

The Northern Echo, 8 Dec 2020, Sirius Shareholders to Discuss Possible Legal Redress

Daily Mail, 8 Dec 2020, Sirius Minerals Faces Legal Bid From Shareholder Group After Anglo’s ‘Daylight Robbery’ Rescue Deal Daily Mail quotes ShareSoc extensively.

Whitby Gazette, 7 Dec 2020, Sirius Campaigners to Hold Next Steps Meeting Online Following Anglo American Takeover

The Scarborough News, 7 Dec 2020, Sirius Campaigners to Hold Next Steps Meeting Online Following Anglo American Takeover

Teesside Gazette, 28 Nov 2020, Sirius Minerals campaigners hold ‘next steps’ meeting for shareholders

The 8 Dec 5pm Virtual Meet for  Sirius (ex) shareholders and others interested was highlighted by the Teesside Gazette in an article in its business pages on 28 Nov, see ShareSoc was extensively quoted.

Teesside Gazette, 1 July 2020, Sirius Minerals Shareholders Call for Inquiry quotes SiriusClaim Chairman Paul Anscombe in an article headed "Sirius Minerals shareholders call for inquiry after reports of minister's meeting with rival boss - Investors say they are still waiting for answers over why the Government refused to provide life-saving support" Paul Anscombe, chairman of the Sirius claim group, which is considering legal action on behalf of shareholders, said: “We would like to see a proper select committee inquiry into the process of Government support for Sirius Minerals and their application ...

Sirius Claim Group – The Work Continues – Sirius Update 10, 29 May 2020

Since the completion of the takeover of Sirius Minerals PLC by Anglo American in March, the number of unanswered questions and the search for answers, and the consideration of possible legal action has continued.  The Sirius Claim group has been busy collating and reviewing nearly 2000 documents, videos, reviews etc. relating to Sirius Minerals and its decisions and actions over the course of the last few years leading to the takeover by Anglo American. At this stage there is still much work ...