Sirius Claim Group – The Work Continues – Sirius Update 10, 29 May 2020

Since the completion of the takeover of Sirius Minerals PLC by Anglo American in March, the number of unanswered questions and the search for answers, and the consideration of possible legal action has continued.  The Sirius Claim group has been busy collating and reviewing nearly 2000 documents, videos, reviews etc. relating to Sirius Minerals and its decisions and actions over the course of the last few years leading to the takeover by Anglo American.

At this stage there is still much work to do in the review process to ensure that we have a fact based set of issues that can be carefully considered with the aid of legal partners. This work needs to be completed before we can give an indication of possible conclusions and potential legal claims. The review process could easily take a few months due to the volume of information to be considered. You can be assured though that we are looking at a variety of potential issues including the decisions and actions of the board, the role(s) of its advisors and the processes followed and of course the financing. We have already had an initial meeting with a legal partner who have shown an interest is working together, we are a little early in that decision and will update in due course.

The more ex-Sirius Minerals Shareholders that are registered with ShareSoc the more chance we will have of getting legal and financial support for any potential claim. So please, if you know any ex-shareholders that have not registered, please let them know of our web address

You may recall that ShareSoc undertook an initial survey to try and understand some of the reasons why people invested in Sirius Minerals in the first place. That information has now been collated and the survey report is attached. ShareSoc SSG Survey Analysis – Initial Observations[3]


Cliff Weight, Director, ShareSoc, member of SSSG and former Sirius shareholder.

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