SIGnet Investors Network Launches New Online Technical Analysis Group

SIGnet is excited to announce the launch of a new online Investors group focused on Technical Analysis. All levels of investing experience are welcome to join.

The Convenor for the Group will be Christopher Pratt. Christopher is an experienced investor and technical analyst who has been a member of SIGnet from the first meeting in 1998. He convened a Technical Analysis (TA) group from 2000 to 2010, and a London Evening Group from 2012 to 2020. Until a few years ago he was a regular contributor to the SIGnet Serious Investor publication.

The objective of the group is to explore TA, evaluating some of its many applications. This is not as an academic exercise but through investments and trades carried out and recorded in detailed ledgers. These will enable the assessment of TA contribution to returns over time and help members to discover the value of this technique.

You are invited to the initial online launch meeting to find out more, meet other investors, and confirm details for future group meetings. The launch meeting will be held on Zoom at 7pm on 9th April and is expected to last approximately 90 minutes. It is open to anyone with an interest in our new group, but you will need to join SIGnet (if not already a SIGnet member) to attend subsequent meetings. Go here for further details and to register your attendance.

SIGnet groups discuss shares and investing. SIGnet groups offer an opportunity to meet, socialise with and learn from the experiences of fellow investors.

SIGnet groups are NOT for promotion of any financial products or services. They are run by their members for their members’ mutual exchange of knowledge and for social interaction / enjoyment with like-minded people.

Benefits of being part of a SIGnet group:

  • Learn from the experience of other investors, and share yours
  • Hear and debate new stock, fund or trust ideas
  • Discuss how to be a better investor
  • Improve your investing network, make friends with other investors
  • Have some fun!

You can visit the SIGnet website to learn more about SIGnet and its groups.

Register here to attend the virtual launch meeting. If you are unable to attend the launch meeting but are still interested in joining the group, please contact ShareSoc at

Bill Fawkner-Corbett, Head of SIGnet

One comment
  1. Chriss says:

    Good morning Bill.
    I would be very interested in joining your new TA group, especially being an ex- VV subscriber up here in Scotland. Neil has formed a ‘semi’ TA/ex VV user group. Unfortunately I won’t be able to attend as I play bridge every Tuesday. An alternative time on a Tuesday or different day would be much appreciated although I understand I am a very small cog in the SIGnet machine.
    Kind regards

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