Albion (AAVC): ShareSoc Launches Albion Campaign, Latest News

On 5 August 2019, ShareSoc formally launched a new Campaign, The Albion Venture Capital VCT Campaign see .

ShareSoc, the UK Individual Shareholders Society, is very concerned by proposed changes to the Albion Venture Capital VCT (AAVC) fees charged by its investment manager Albion Capital. We have therefore launched a campaign, seeking members to vote against resolutions 2, 3, 4, 7 and 8 at the Albion Venture Capital AGM  and the GM resolution on 21 August 2019. In addition, we seek to persuade the Albion Venture Capital directors to agree a better deal with the investment manager.

We have requested a copy of the shareholder register. Albion have acknowledged this request but have so far failed to give us a copy of the register.

We have also launched an appeal for donations to help fund the cost of sending letters to Albion AAVC shareholders and other potential costs.

Depending on the reactions of the Directors of AAVC and the voting outcomes, we may requisition an EGM to change the directors and the fund manager fee arrangement or the fund manager.

Cliff Weight, ShareSoc Director and Albion Campaign Manager

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