RBS Shareholder Committee Campaign – Update 17

ShareSoc and UKSA have now paused this campaign, because RBS are now engaging better with shareholders and have announced a programme of 4 events a year specifically focussed on engagement with individual shareholders. See https://investors.rbs.com/shareholder-centre/shareholder-events.aspx, where you can also access a recording of RBS’ successful virtual event on 25 Nov 2019.

This has been a successful campaign. Notable achievements:

  1. We were able to successfully requisition 3 resolutions at two AGMs.
  2. Although we did not get shareholders to vote in favour of a Shareholder Committee, we feel that RBS would not have implemented its new shareholder engagement programme, without our intervention.
  3. Significant press coverage and wider profile of ShareSoc.
  4. The campaign facilitated meetings with key opinion formers and highlighted the inadequacies of many engagements between companies and their shareholders and fund managers.
  5. Many FSTE100 companies have now introduced Shareholder Engagement Meetings and we are pressing more companies to do so. ShareSoc and UKSA now recognise Shareholder Engagement Meetings as a good alternative to the adoption of a Shareholder Committee.

Cliff Weight, ShareSoc Director and RBS Shareholder Committee Campaign Coordinator.

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