RBS Shareholder Committee Campaign: Update 15

RBS Shareholder Committee Campaign: Update 15 – Resolution has been accepted and is on the AGM agenda

The Shareholders Circular and notice of the AGM was sent out on 18 March to all shareholders on the register, along with a copy of the annual report (only 267 pages this year), headed “Building a simple, safe and more customer-focused bank”. You only get a paper copy of the annual report if you asked for it.

Those people who have invested in RBS shares via a platform may have been advised of the AGM and the annual report. It tends to depend on what services the platform provides and what you have asked them to do. If you have not seen anything then check what preferences you have given to your platform.

ShareSoc published its recommendations for voting, click here to read them.

We also published detailed reasons why all shareholders should support Resolution 28

We have sent these reasons to UKGI and all the major shareholders in RBS, plus the leading Proxy Advisers ISS, Glass Lewis, Minerva, IVIS and PIRC, and we hope they will support our resolution this year. We have asked them to attend a meeting where we will explain why we think a Shareholder Committee will help RBS. The Investor Forum has kindly agreed to host this meeting.

Press Coverage:

We issued a press release and the story was covered extensively in the FT, Guardian, Telegraph, Daily Mail, Scottish Financial Review and Vox Markets.


Cliff Weight, ShareSoc Director and RBS Shareholder Committee Campaign Co-ordinator








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