Lord Lee Podcasts


We thought you might be interested to know that ShareSoc Patron Lord Lee has teamed up with the Investors Chronicle to produce a monthly podcast – “Lee and the IC”.  The first episode, which has just gone live, focuses upon dividends – particularly M&G, Aviva, Legal & General etc., and also touches on a number of Small Caps including Concurrent Technologies and Goodwin.

You can find it on the IC’s website here, (free to listen) but here are a few other ways to listen:

  • Apple podcasts link here
  • Acast (The IC’s streaming host) link here
  • Spotify link here
  • Youtube link (a video of the audio) here


As always, John Lee is a pleasure to listen to and touches on many aspects of investing in this first episode (about 27 minutes). He explains why he is so keen on M&G shares and why he has topped up his stake after attending the M&G AGM (John favours Hybrid AGMs, and attended this one in person and talked to the directors). He laments the low valuations in the London Stock Market, which he regards as a buying opportunity as he believes there is underlying value in many shares and in due course their true value will be discovered.

Investing Education is one of Lord Lee’s key interests. He would like TV to explain the fundamentals on listed companies and why investing in good quality companies is a good idea. He almost despairs at the lack of interest in government in educating all, and in particular younger generations, on the basics of investing. He mentions the excessive amounts of cash savings, which up until recently earned almost nothing in interest, whereas over the last (say) ten years shares have delivered a very good return.

On the funds versus shares debate, Lord Lee prefers investing in a range of shares. He only invests in UK shares and has always been able to find enough good UK shares to invest in. He stresses investing is a long-term game, “get rich slowly”. You need patience and to take the long-term view. (This author notes the desire of many younger people for instant gratification, which is probably contrary to most experts view of what makes a good strategy for investing!)

He also mentions the plethora of gambling adverts on TV and other media, with almost nothing that covers investing in companies – Dragons’ Den being one counter example that shows there is interest in learning about investing and running a good business.

He also highlights the FCA’s approach as being too restrictive and overly risk averse. It should be possible to bring companies to the attention of potential investors, but with protection from gross abuse.

He concludes there is a great latent opportunity for investors to back UK companies. This must be manna to the ears of Rishi Sunak and Jeremy Hunt, who is currently developing his Budget proposals.

The podcast finishes with short analyses of two of John’s recent investments in smaller companies Concurrent Technologies and Goodwin, both of which he is very keen on.

In Episode 2, published on 24th October, Lord Lee talks about his largest holding, the art of knowing when to sell, and recent changes to his portfolio.

As always, do your own research and nothing in this article should be taken as financial advice.

We recommend the podcasts to readers. Links to them can be found on the ShareSoc Investor Academy.

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