Final Step in Integrating SIGnet with ShareSoc

The final step in completing SIGnet’s merger with ShareSoc is to create a new website for SIGnet.

To facilitate this we have made some changes to the ShareSoc website and its menu system – including links to where the new SIGnet website resides. That new website is currently under construction, with some pages incomplete or not yet created. Until it is complete, please refer to SIGnet’s current website at for further information about SIGnet. When the new site is complete, that URL will refer to the new website.

Mark Bentley, Director, ShareSoc

  1. Julian Strickland says:

    So the final step in integration is to have seperate websites?

  2. Please tell me the completion date for the websites.
    Colin Farrier

    • Mark Bentley says:

      Hi Colin,

      Completion date is largely dependent on Ray and I completing reviews and copy, i.e. our time. Was hoping we’d be there by the end of this month but June is now looking more likely. Work is advancing. The “about us” page is now complete – but with some possible further copy changes from Ray. Work on the Newsletters page is well advanced.

      The design for the Groups page has recently been approved and it’s now in the hands of our development contractor to create the webpage.



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