Feedback on the FRC’s Draft Plan and Strategy and Budget 2021/ 2022.

Official News Item by Cliff Weight, Director 

ShareSoc and the UK Shareholders Association made a joint response to the FRC on the FRC’s Draft Plan and Strategy and Budget 2021/ 2022. Our key points were:

We believe that this sets out sufficiently clearly the FRC’s plans and strategy for the coming year. We are not able to comment in any detail on the proposed budget but we believe that, with minor exceptions, it provides as much information as most stakeholders are likely to require.

We have a few comments about the presentation of the document. Presentation might be considered to be a minor issue. However we note that:

  • An effort has clearly been made this year to make the presentation of the document more appealing to the reader. The FRC is to be commended for this.
  • The fact that the FRC is embarking on a project to overhaul corporate reporting in future provides an important opportunity for the FRC to act as an exemplar in terms of its own reporting style.

Our full response is here FRC-Draft-Plan-and-Budget-response-March-2021-Final

and the FRC document is here FRC-Draft-Strategy-and-Plan-Budget-February-2021 (1)

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