ShareSoc Webinar
Woodford Campaign and Claim
17 December 2020

Webinar Date: 17 December 2020
Start Time: 5pm


Up to 1 million investors suffered large losses in Woodford Funds. This is the first time ShareSoc has formally endorsed a claim of this nature. Chairman Mark Northway is joined by Boz Michalowska, Partner, Leigh Day, David Ricketts (whose Woodford book comes out in January 2021) and ShareSoc’s own Cliff Weight, to go over the events, the legal process, how to join the claim and next steps.


– Mark Northway, Chairman, ShareSoc
– Boz Michalowska
, Partner, Leigh Day
– David Ricketts, Financial Author
– Cliff Weight, Director, ShareSoc and Campaign Manager.



  1. Mark Northway – Chairman’s introduction
  2. Cliff Weight – the ShareSoc Campaign
  3. David Ricketts – background and key events
  4. Boz Michalowska – the Leigh Day claim
  5. Questions and Answers


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Event Details:
  • Event: ShareSoc Webinar - Woodford Campaign and Claim, 17 December 2020
  • Date: 17/12/2020
  • Time: Presentation Starts at 5pm
  • Location: Webinar
Add to calendar
Event Details:
  • Event ShareSoc Webinar - Woodford Campaign and Claim, 17 December 2020
  • Date 17/12/2020
  • Time Presentation Starts at 5pm
  • Location Webinar
  • Description 1 - Chairman’s introduction
    2 - ShareSoc Campaign
    3 - Background and key events
    4 - The Leigh Day claim
    5 - Q & A