ShareSoc News

RBS Shareholder Committee: We’ve (almost) won!

Great news from RBS! RBS have agreed to have our resolution put to the AGM. UNFORTUNATELY, they will only agree to this, if the resolution is a SPECIAL Resolution rather than an ordinary one. That means that we will have to resubmit our requisitions for the special resolution. So, if you own RBS shares, please complete the new Special Resolution Requisition form, which you can download from the ShareSoc website, click here. Getting the shareholder resolution on the RBS AGM agenda is a huge ...

BEIS Committee investigates Carillion. ShareSoc and the UK Shareholders Association submit joint response.

The item below is ShareSoc and UKSA's joint response to a request for comment from the BEIS parliamentary select committee on Corporate Governance regarding events at Carillion. Click here to read the PDF version. 5 February 2018 Chris Shaw, Clerk, BEIS Committee on Corporate Governance Dear Chris, Carillion and implications Please note this is a joint response on behalf of UKSA and ShareSoc We understand that the Select Committee, along with the Work and Pensions Committee, is looking at the collapse of Carillion at the moment. So, we are ...

ShareSoc Requests Investigation into the Affairs of Blancco Technology Group

Press Release 101 - ShareSoc Requests Investigation into the Affairs of Blancco Technology Group ShareSoc (the UK Individual Shareholders Society) is requesting the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and the Financial Reporting Council (FRC) to investigate certain issues concerning Blancco Technology Group plc (BLTG), an AIM listed software company specialising in data erasure. Shareholders in the company have been financially devastated by the collapse in the share price following the reporting of several accounting issues at the company. As a result the share price ...

RBS Campaign Update 10 – 161 forms submitted, press release issued and huge media coverage

Update 10 29/12/2017 - 161 forms submitted, press release issued and huge media coverage Today I travelled to London to deliver the 161 signed forms to RBS. Yesterday, we issued a press release. Radio 4 reported on it in their Business Briefing at 6.25am. There were lots of press stories. Cliff Weight Delivers Requisitions to RBS We thought the press coverage today was balanced. We have worked well (together with RBS people) in avoiding the negative publicity that occurred earlier in the year. This is ...

Small shareholders in bid to make RBS a better run company

Press Release 100 – RBS in the firing line as ShareSoc renews campaign   RBS Shareholders Requisition Shareholder Resolution for a Shareholder Committee.    Over 100 shareholders in the Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) have requisitioned a resolution to install a "Shareholder Committee" at the company, which will include shareholder representatives, to improve the corporate governance and shareholder engagement at RBS. RBS will now have to put this proposal to a vote at their Annual General Meeting (AGM) in May 2018. ShareSoc ...

FRC Corporate Governance Consultation and FCA Consultation on Competition

The FRC has launched a consultation on the Corporate Governance Code. The FCA has launched a Consultation on Competition ShareSoc will most likely be making a joint response with the UK Shareholders’ Association to both of these consultations. You are welcome to send your views to . Peter Parry and I will consider them in making our response. You are also welcome to submit your own comments/response directly to the FRC/FCA, but please state that they are your views (you cannot assume that ...

RBS in the firing line as ShareSoc renews campaign

Press Release 99 – RBS in the firing line as ShareSoc renews campaign   Individual investors expected to join ShareSoc’s new requisition for a Shareholder Committee at the Royal Bank of Scotland    - As last year, ShareSoc will be requisitioning a resolution for a Shareholder Committee at the 2018 RBS AGM - This year's resolution addresses the trivial legal objections previously raised by RBS. ShareSoc is confident that RBS will be obliged to put the resolution to the AGM - ShareSoc is rallying ...

FRC’s consultation on non-financial reporting guidance.

ShareSoc's response to the FRC’s consultation on non-financial reporting guidance is in this document: FRC Strategic Report Consultation Response

ShareSoc and UKSA’s joint response to the FRC’s consultation on non-financial reporting guidance

ShareSoc and UKSA’s joint response to the FRC’s consultation on non-financial reporting guidance. Click here for our response

ShareSoc Open Letter to the board of RBS Group

Press Release 98 – ShareSoc Open Letter to the board of RBS Group For immediate release: ShareSoc has written an open letter to the Board of the RBS Group addressing unresolved issues that continue to concern individual shareholders. Please see below and contact Cliff Weight on for more information. SHARESOC OPEN LETTER October 2017 TO THE BOARD OF RBS GROUP Shareholder Resolutions for 2018 AGM Since ShareSoc first engaged with you on 12 December 2016 there have been several positive developments which we recognise and ...