Interesting AGMs, or not – Rosslyn and Dunelm

This blog gives you the latest topical news plus some informal comments on them from ShareSoc’s directors and other contributors. These are the personal comments of the authors and not necessarily the considered views of ShareSoc. The writers may hold shares in the companies mentioned. You can add your own comments on the blog posts, but note that ShareSoc reserves the right to remove or edit comments where they are inappropriate or defamatory.

This morning I attended the AGM of Rosslyn Data Technologies (RDT) for the first time. I picked up some shares in a deeply discounted placing that qualified for EIS relief a few months back. One has limited time to research a company on offer when a placing comes up. It looked sound enough at the time although the historic financials did not impress. Prospects looked better after an acquisition although this company has been around a long time without becoming a shooting star. Bearing in mind the software sector it operates in – a somewhat niche area – I doubt it will show rapid growth either although the analyst forecasts I looked at before the meeting (from a single broker I gather) suggests a substantial rise in revenue and breakeven in the current financial year – partly from the merger no doubt.

Incidentally in case anyone from HMRC is reading this bearing in mind the current review of VCT/EIS tax reliefs, I would just like to say that I would certainly not have invested in the placing without the attraction of EIS tax relief. I considered the valuation at the placing price only “fair” and with the risks apparent, it would not have been attractive without the tax relief.

But at AGMs of small companies like this one, it is possible to learn a great deal. I will just mention a few things – a full report on the AGM is available exclusively to our full members here.

The Chairman was absent in the USA (not usually a good sign), so another of the directors, Barney Quinn chaired the meeting, and well. He read out a prepared statement (not issued in an RNS oddly), saying there had been good progress and they had been focussed on integration of the businesses since the start of the year. He mentioned the securing of a major partnership with D&B (see Annual Report).

I queried the very high debtors (accounts receiveable) which were about 6 months of revenue. Apparently this is due to work in progress on projects being recognised as revenue but not yet billed to clients (which tends to be on completion). To my mind, it’s still excessive though.

It seems to be taking some time to develop the market for the products/services and it seems their broker is currently reconsidering their forecasts and I suspect the existing ones are optimistic from what was said in the meeting – but we may soon see no doubt.

Anyway I learned quite a bit about the business and the management seemed to be competent on a brief acquaintence but a couple of long-standing shareholders turned up late for the meeting and said some negative things about the progress and valuation of the business. The company could really do with some more media coverage if they were to attract more investors and another shareholder suggested ways they could do so (including ShareSoc seminars).

So it’s always good to attend AGMs, but one I will not be going to is that of Dunelm. This year it is Stoke at 9.30 am on the 21st November. Last year it was at a similar inconvenient and early time in Leicestershire.

A couple of year’s ago I attended their AGM in London (again at an early time), and complained about the remuneration arrangements. Have the more recent AGMs been deliberately arranged to avoid private shareholders like me from attending? I would not be surprised if that was the case. So I have voted against the Chairman, against the Remuneration resolutions, and against other directors also for that reason. It really is not acceptable for the directors of companies to pick inconvenient dates, times or locations for General Meetings.

I don’t object to going to Stoke but I do object to having to get up at 5 o’clock in the morning to be sure of getting there on time. But if anyone lives closer, and would like a proxy appointment from me to attend the AGM, let me know.

Roger Lawson (Twitter: )

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