This blog gives you the latest topical news plus some informal comments on them from ShareSoc’s directors and other contributors. These are the personal comments of the authors and not necessarily the considered views of ShareSoc. The writers may hold shares in the companies mentioned. You can add your own comments on the blog posts, but note that ShareSoc reserves the right to remove or edit comments where they are inappropriate or defamatory.

Information and Experience on Brokers and Platforms

One thing that all ShareSoc members depend upon is a good quality broker. With that in mind, we have started to create topics in our member forum. Our members can now use these to share any news or opinions and raise issues about individual brokerages. This will be helpful to other members. I have set up a separate “Topic” for each of the usual suspects in this area –

Over time, I hope this will become a useful resource for members considering new brokers. It will also help us all to identify opportunities for improvements at individual brokers, which is something that ShareSoc may be able to assist with.

Please get posting your news and feel free to set up a new topic for any broker that’s missing and you think is of interest.

Mike Dennis, Director, ShareSoc

One comment
  1. Peter Christie says:

    I have used Pilling & Co. Ltd. in Manchester for many years now.
    They have many levels of support for clients from complete Wealth Management through advise and offering managed pre set protfolios.
    to straight forward unadvised trading.
    I use them on several levels

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