AGM Reports

Oxford Technology VCT AGMs 2020

The 2020 Oxford VCT AGMs were held via a Zoom video conference on Thursday 9th July. Links to all four Annual Reports (year ending Feb 2020) can be found on the Oxford Technology VT home page: https://www.oxfordtechnologyvct.com/ At this year’s AGM there were 30 (plus) attendees so the number of ordinary shareholders who logged in was probably around 25 (only slightly higher than the attendance last year). The meeting commenced at 14:00 with a brief welcome and some housekeeping rules from the ...

Oxford Technology VCTs (OXT, OXH, OTT, OXF) AGM Report 2019

The 2019 Oxford VCT AGMs were held earlier this week (Wednesday 3rd July) at the Oxford Technology VCT offices, The Magdalen Centre, Oxford Science Park, Oxford OX4 4GA. Links to all four Annual Reports (year ending Feb 2019) can be found on the Oxford Technology home page: http://www.oxfordtechnology.com/ At this year’s AGM there were probably around 20 ordinary shareholders present, slightly down on last year. The meeting commenced at 14:00 and after a brief welcome from the OT1 chairman we had a presentation ...

Oxford Technology VCTs (OXT, OXH, OTT, OXF) AGM 2018

The 2018 Oxford VCT AGMs were held last week (Thursday 12th July) at the Oxford Technology VCT offices, The Magdalen Centre, Oxford Science Park, Oxford OX4 4GA. Links to all four Annual Reports (year ending Feb 2018) can be found on the Oxford Technology home page: http://www.oxfordtechnology.com/ There were probably around 25 ordinary shareholders present at this year's AGM. The meeting commenced at 11.00 starting with a brief portfolio review from the Manager with Q&As, this was followed by the four AGMs then ...

Oxford Technology VCTs AGMs (OXT, OXH, OTT and OXF)

The 2017 combined Oxford VCT AGMs were held last Wednesday (5th July) at the Oxford Technology offices, The Magdalen Centre, Oxford Science Park, Oxford OX4 4GA. Write-ups for the five previous Oxford Technology VCT AGMs can be found on the old defunct Motley Fool web site: 2016: https://tinyurl.com/ybaahrz2 2015: https://tinyurl.com/ybucbnx8 2014: http://tinyurl.com/j6qzvfx 2013: https://tinyurl.com/ya97oz6l 2012: https://tinyurl.com/y7x8fgwh At this year’s AGMs there were probably around 20 ordinary shareholders present (probably slightly down on last year). The meeting commenced at 11.00 starting with a brief review from the Manager, this ...