Voting and Company Information

HSBC Holdings plc Information and Vote Guidance 2024

AGM: 3 May 2024 Proxy deadline: 1 May 2024 ShareSoc provide this added value voting information service for Full Members only, providing background information on leading companies and AGM vote guidance. Below are links to the: 1. Stockopedia summary report. 2. Minerva Vote recommendations for the 3 May 2024 AGM based on their standard template. 3. Minerva detailed research report for the AGM. Summary of voting issues at this year’s AGM  The Minerva report highlights various issues and recommends voting against four of the resolutions and consider two on ...

HSBA – HSBC Holdings plc Information and Vote Guidance 2023

AGM: 5 May 2023 Proxy deadline: 3 May 2023 ShareSoc provide this added value voting information service for Full Members only, providing background information on leading companies and AGM vote guidance. Below are links to the: 1. Stockopedia summary report. 2. Minerva Vote recommendations for the 5 May 2023 AGM based on their standard template. 3. Minerva detailed research report for the AGM. Summary of voting issues at this year’s AGM  The Minerva report highlights various issues, in particular we would draw your attention to special resolutions 17 and 18 which ...

HSBA – HSBC Holdings Company Information and Vote Guidance

by Cliff Weight, Director, ShareSoc. These are my personal views and not necessarily those of ShareSoc. I own shares in HSBC. HSBC summary of voting issues The AGM is on May 28th, 2021. HSBC has gone back to its roots and now focuses on the Far East. The Stockopedia graph shows the lack of long term growth over the past 20 years and the volatility of the share price which lost two thirds in the Covid Bear Market. It has now recovered to ...

Blog posts

HSBA – HSBC Holdings Company Information and Vote Guidance

by Cliff Weight, Director, ShareSoc. These are my personal views and not necessarily those of ShareSoc. I own shares in HSBC. HSBC summary of voting issues The AGM is on May 28th, 2021. HSBC has gone back to its roots and now focuses on the Far East. The Stockopedia graph shows the lack of long term growth over the past 20 years and the volatility of the share price which lost two thirds in the Covid Bear Market. It has now recovered to ...

Pay at HSBC and Santander, Net Worth, Duplicate Dividends and Persimmon

Apparently bankers still live in an unreal world so far as most of us are concerned, even after the financial crisis of ten years ago when their remuneration was attacked. The Financial Times covered two stories on the pay of bankers in today’s edition (16/7/2019). The first was on the opposition to pay at Standard Chartered and comments from the CEO, Bill Winters, on it after a vote of almost 40% against their pay policy in May. The concern is mainly ...

Cash or Shares. Which is Better?

An interesting article in Saturday's FTMoney (18/6/2016) by Paul Lewis suggested that you might be surprised to learn that if you had invested £10,000 in a cash account in 1998, you would have done better than investing in a FTSE-100 index tracker. It's surely odd for the Financial Times to persuade their own readers that cash is better than equities because a choice of cash might mean they no longer needed to read the FT - they could just use a ...

More Bad News for Banks and their Investors

If there are any private investors still invested in major UK listed banks, last week (w/e 30/1/2016) was yet another for disillusionment. In the Financial Times, Lex hit the nail on the head when he said "The one-offs keep on coming. If one did not know better, one might suspect them of being two-, three-, or more-offs". He was referring to Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS), but other banks likewise posted bad news during the week. Let's take them in turn: RBS ...

ShareSoc News

HSBC Holdings plc Information and Vote Guidance 2024

AGM: 3 May 2024 Proxy deadline: 1 May 2024 ShareSoc provide this added value voting information service for Full Members only, providing background information on leading companies and AGM vote guidance. Below are links to the: 1. Stockopedia summary report. 2. Minerva Vote recommendations for the 3 May 2024 AGM based on their standard template. 3. Minerva detailed research report for the AGM. Summary of voting issues at this year’s AGM  The Minerva report highlights various issues and recommends voting against four of the resolutions and consider two on ...

HSBA – HSBC Holdings plc Information and Vote Guidance 2023

AGM: 5 May 2023 Proxy deadline: 3 May 2023 ShareSoc provide this added value voting information service for Full Members only, providing background information on leading companies and AGM vote guidance. Below are links to the: 1. Stockopedia summary report. 2. Minerva Vote recommendations for the 5 May 2023 AGM based on their standard template. 3. Minerva detailed research report for the AGM. Summary of voting issues at this year’s AGM  The Minerva report highlights various issues, in particular we would draw your attention to special resolutions 17 and 18 which ...

Media Mentions

FT, 12 March 2020, AGMs Impacted by Coronavirus

FT quoted Cliff Weight and reported that HSBC warns of potential disruption to AGM from coronavirus- UK-listed groups consider options in case of restrictions to mass gatherings. see Cliff Weight, director of investor group, ShareSoc, which on Wednesday postponed its own annual meeting until July, said: “There is no doubt that elderly people are more at risk and many of those attending AGMs fall in the high-risk category, so they and many others may choose not to attend.”... ...Mr Weight said companies that ...

Reuters, 28 Nov 2019, Barclays Cuts CEO Pension Perks

Peter Parry comments on CEO pension payments: