Harbour Energy plc (HBR)

Harbour Energy plc (HBR)

Previously known as:
Previous Name: PREMIER OIL PLC
Previous TIDM: PMO

Blog posts

Portfolio Review 2024 – Mark Bentley

This article reflects the opinions of its author and not necessarily those of ShareSoc. Introduction This is now my fifth annual comprehensive portfolio review. See my 2020 review for an explanation of my investment objectives, strategy, "asset types" and investment accounts. My 2023 review can be found here. In 2024 my portfolio's underperformance of my FTSE All-Share total return benchmark continued, albeit more modestly. My total return was 7.7% vs 9.8% for the benchmark. I may have to review my strategy if this underperformance ...

Portfolio Review 2023 – Mark Bentley

This article reflects the opinions of its author and not necessarily those of ShareSoc. Introduction This is now my fourth annual comprehensive portfolio review. See my 2020 review for an explanation of my investment objectives, strategy, "asset types" and investment accounts. My 2022 review can be found here. 2023 was again a difficult and disappointing rollercoaster year. For the second consecutive year my results underperformed my FTSE All-share total return benchmark. See "Results Breakdown" below for the gory details. At least this year my aggregate ...

Lessons From a Failed Investment

This is a premium article, available to ShareSoc full members and SIGnet members. Recent troubles at the AA (AA.) and Petropavlovsk (POG) brought to mind another problematic investment that I am more familiar with and which shares some characteristics of those companies. That investment is Gulf Marine Services (GMS). IPOs by Private Equity Vendors Like the AA, GMS was floated by its original private equity owners, with a premium listing on the LSE main market, in March 2014. GMS is a relatively straightforward business: ...

AGM Reports

Premier Oil (PMO) AGM Report 2012

Introduction The AGM was held at the shareholder friendly time & venue of 11am at the IoD in Pall Mall. It was well attended by ITRO 70 shareholders, and was a lively and productive meeting (with refreshments afterwards for those able to stay). Premier’s 2011 Annual Report (AR) can be found here: http://www.premier-oil.com/premieroil/uploads/reports/reports/PremierOil_AR2011.pdf Pre-Meeting Firstly , I spoke to CEO Simon Lockett (SL) about the deal with Encore’s team, via the vehicle “EnCounter”, that was announced in yesterday’s IMS. The deal is that Premier will share its substantial North ...

ShareSoc News

ShareSoc blasts £4m CEO pay at mid-cap oil company Premier Oil at today’s AGM

PRESS RELEASE 25 (18/05/2012) Premier Oil shareholder, and ShareSoc Director, Mark Bentley posed the following question at today’s Premier Oil AGM: “Firstly, I would like congratulate the remuneration committee on presenting a clear exposition of total director remuneration on page 73 of the annual report, despite needing 20 pages to explain director remuneration. However, I am concerned to observe that total pay for the 5 executive directors in 2011 was an extraordinary £13.2m, with the CEO receiving a package worth 183x the median ...