
ShareSoc Growth Company Seminar, Birmingham, February 2018

Click here for the Stockopedia Reports Click here for the Primary Bid Presentation

ShareSoc Growth Company Seminar, London, November 2014

Click here 600Group Stockopedia Report Click here Avation Stockopedia Report Click here Bango Stockopedia Report Click here Sprue Aegis Stockopedia Report

Blog posts

Lakehouse, Stock Spirits and Sprue Aegis

I commented on the affairs of Lakehouse and Stock Spirits in the last ShareSoc newsletter. Both companies had been attacked by unhappy shareholders who had submitted requisitions to change certain directors, a process that seems to be becoming more common of late. Both situations have now to been resolved to a great extent. At Lakehouse the Chairman Chris Geoghegan is departing forthwith, with the three new directors proposed by the requistioners being appointed to the board as non-executive directors including founder Steve ...

Future ShareSoc Events – London and Manchester

ShareSoc has two Growth Company Seminars coming up in the next couple of weeks. On the 21st October we have Sphere Medical, Sprue Aegis, EG Solutions and Venture Life presenting in the City of London and on the 28th October we have Safestyle, Redx Pharma and Tracsis presenting in Altrincham near Manchester. These are all interesting small cap companies and this is a great opportunity to ask questions of the management of these companies and meet other investors. In the latter ...

The Wonders of LTIPs, Pay at WPP and the Sprue Aegis AGM

Yesterday (3/6/2015), I attended the Annual General Meeting of Sprue Aegis (SPRP). Before discussing what was said at that meeting, it's worth reviewing a recently issued report by the High Pay Centre entitled "No Routine Riches".  It's a devastating critique of how the existing systems of "performance related pay" for directors has worked. To quote from the report: "We have looked at the growing complexity of awards that has pushed directors’ pay into the stratosphere, and found there is little discernible link ...

AGM Reports

Sprue Aegis (FA.) AGM Report 2015

Sprue Aegis held their Annual General Meeting today at the offices of Westhouse Securities (their Nomad) in the City of London. On the 20th Floor with external glass lifts - not ideal for anyone with "high anxiety" as experienced by some shareholders. But there seemed to be few anxieties among shareholders about this company. The business is "One of Europe's leading designers and suppliers of smoke and CO detectors" to quote from the presentation given to shareholders. With revenue up 36% last ...