Digital 9 Infrastructure plc (DGI9)

Digital 9 Infrastructure plc (DGI9)

Blog posts

Net Asset Value (NAV) Write-down at DGI9

This article reflects the opinions of its author and not necessarily those of ShareSoc. Was fund manager Triple Point overpaid? As Sachin Saggar comments in this piece, it is inconceivable that the manager of Digital 9 Infrastructure (DGI9), a Jersey regulated closed-ended fund, did not know the NAV, on which basis they received fees, was materially overstated. It is time for the company to put the insurers of everyone involved on notice and for the Jersey regulator to step in and investigate Triple ...

Portfolio Review 2023 – Mark Bentley

This article reflects the opinions of its author and not necessarily those of ShareSoc. Introduction This is now my fourth annual comprehensive portfolio review. See my 2020 review for an explanation of my investment objectives, strategy, "asset types" and investment accounts. My 2022 review can be found here. 2023 was again a difficult and disappointing rollercoaster year. For the second consecutive year my results underperformed my FTSE All-share total return benchmark. See "Results Breakdown" below for the gory details. At least this year my aggregate ...

ShareSoc News

The Pros and Cons of Shareholder Litigation

  A key element of ShareSoc’s mission is to ensure fair treatment for individual investors. We often campaign when investors are misled, or their funds are misappropriated. There are two principal outcomes we look for: 1. Redress for losses that should not have happened. 2. Punishment for those that mislead investors or misappropriate funds, to deter others. This article focuses on the first of these desired outcomes, although we are equally concerned about both. Wherever losses are recoverable we want to see that happen. The question we ...