AGM Reports

Conygar (CIC) AGM Report 2015

Conygar AGM 04-02-15; their solicitors Wragge are now part of Lawrence Graham so this meant getting over to London Bridge (though the cakes were better than at the old Holborn venue). A good set of results; NAV up 13% at 197p, profit from development £12M, rents £10M + £14M revaluations. The commercial property market outside London has improved, and they have disposed of £26M of assets.There is £71m cash,and debt of £56m. At Haverford West planning has been obtained and a sale of ...

Conygar (CIC) AGM Report 2014

In contrast to previous years this was a quiet event with just a handful of private investors present. After a countdown to the start by Chairman Nigel Hamway, the agenda was quickly dispatched. Rees Pollock were again appointed auditors, as they offer good value. We were assured there is regular rotation of audit partners. CIC has bought back c. 30% of its shares over last couple of years significantly augmenting NAVps. It is unlikely they will continue buying in unless the disparity ...

Conygar (CIC) AGM Report 2012

I attended the Annual General Meeting of Conygar in London on the 5th January 2012. The reason for attending was that ShareSoc issued a press release on the issue of remuneration at this company the day before which was entitled “A good example of what is wrong with remuneration in public companies” – see . It’s worth stating that I do not have a significant shareholding in this company, not generally being a fan of small property companies and certainly ...

ShareSoc News

Conygar – A Good Example of What is Wrong with the Remuneration of Directors in Public Companies

PRESS RELEASE 16 (03/01/2012) ShareSoc (the “UK Individual Shareholders Society”) has been campaigning since it was created for reformation of the way directors of public companies are remunerated and how their pay is set. A good example of how directors can exploit the opportunities implicit in the present system is that of Conygar, an AIM listed property company. This is a relatively small company (net assets £158m at September 2011 year end) but where the directors paid themselves a total of £3.5m in ...