Blog posts

Argo Blockchain and FT Letter

An announcement appeared this morning from Argo Blockchain Plc (ARB). It was well timed as I was going to write something on the hype surrounding blockchain technology soon. ARB has received a requisition to remove two of the directors, and appoint others. The company has been focused on providing a cryptocurrency mining service and floated on AIM at a price of 16p – it’s now just over 3p. But a few weeks ago it gave up the “mining-as-a-service” business to focus ...

ShareSoc News

The Pros and Cons of Shareholder Litigation

  A key element of ShareSoc’s mission is to ensure fair treatment for individual investors. We often campaign when investors are misled, or their funds are misappropriated. There are two principal outcomes we look for: 1. Redress for losses that should not have happened. 2. Punishment for those that mislead investors or misappropriate funds, to deter others. This article focuses on the first of these desired outcomes, although we are equally concerned about both. Wherever losses are recoverable we want to see that happen. The question we ...

US Law Firm Investigates Argo Blockchain

ShareSoc Polls Member Interest A ShareSoc member has brought an investigation into bitcoin miner Argo Blockchain to our attention.  US law firm Pomerantz LLP has announced that it is investigating Argo for possible securities fraud.  ShareSoc would be interested to know whether any other ShareSoc members have an interest in this case. If so, we may look into it further. Please contact us if you have an interest.  It appears that this is not the first class action brought against the company. Dechert LLP reports ...