
Update on Boardroom Battle at Petropavlovsk

The deadline for voting at the Petropavlovsk AGM on the 29th June (proxy votes need to be in by 27th June) is approaching fast. For those of you who are shareholders and are still undecided on the boardroom tussle that is taking place, and if you haven’t already read the cases for and against, you may like to take a look at the following sources of information: Firstly, the arguments from the incumbent board headed by Chairman Ian Ashby are available here - Petropavlovsk ...

Boardroom Battle at Petropavlovsk

Those of you who follow Petropavlosvk (POG) will be aware that a boardroom tussle for control is taking place. Two institutional holders, CABS Platform Limited and Slevin Ltd, have requisitioned resolutions to remove the whole of the present board,  who have been in place since 2017, and replace them with 3 directors who were previous members of the board including the previous CEO, Dr Pavel Maslovskiy. The two requisitioners are supported by POG’s largest shareholder Fincraft. Proxy votes need to be in by ...