Digitisation Taskforce

Digitisation Taskforce Interim Report follow up

ShareSoc and UKSA continue to work closely on the important issue of shareholder rights. We wrote to Sir Douglas Flint stressing our concerns with the Digitisation Taskforce Interim Report and requested to meet. Representatives from UKSA and ShareSoc met Sir Douglas on 11 December. Most attendees thought it was useful and Charles Henderson has written to Sir Douglas to confirm the key points of the meeting: Dear Sir Douglas Digitisation Taskforce Interim Report follow up Thank you for your recent meeting that enabled us (UKSA and ...

ShareSoc and UKSA Response to Digitisation Task Force Interim report

  In this article we highlighted the significance of the interim report issued by Sir Douglas Flint on behalf of the Digitisation Taskforce (DT) and our concerns about it.  After careful deliberation, ShareSoc and UKSA have now submitted this response to Sir Douglas. Special thanks are due to Mohammed Amin, who co-ordinated our joint response.  We express concern that the proposals in the interim report do not fulfil the DT’s terms of reference. In particular, they do not ensure that the rights of current ...