
This is Money, 04 June 2022, Dividends paid by cheque to shareholders are being axed by Abrdn – in latest move towards a cashless society

ShareSoc's patron Lord Lee of Trafford commented on Abrdn's decision to stop paying dividends by cheque. "It is not just older people, but also youngsters who need to appreciate the value of money and might like to have a cheque arriving in the post when a dividend payment is due.  There is no doubt dividends paid by bank transfer are more convenient for many people, but it should not be mandatory. Investors must be given the choice.' Click here to read the article.

This is Money, 18 May 2022, We must ban AGM chauvinists for life: Campaigners demand action after Aviva chief exec Amanda Blanc faced barrage of sexist insults

The Daily Mail makes the point that misogynistic offenders at AGMs should know the likely outcome of unacceptable behaviour.. a RED card. Quoting both ShareSoc and UKSA Directors. Click here to read the article.

Daily Mail, 2 May 2021, Aviva Investor Revolt

The Daily Mail quoted ShareSoc Director Cliff Weight in its 2 May Aviva article https://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/markets/article-9535371/Aviva-faces-investor-revolt-preference-shares-scandal.html   Aviva faces an investor revolt this week after angering shareholders by deciding not to claw back fees from directors who oversaw a preference shares scandal. The insurer was rocked in 2018 when it said it was considering buying back shares marketed as 'irredeemable' for less than they were trading at. It reneged on the announcement days later, by which time the shares had tumbled. It was forced to compensate investors. ...

FT Adviser, 14 Jan 2021, Aviva Pressed to Recall Bonuses After Share Buyback Debacle

From FT Adviser: https://www.ftadviser.com/investments/2021/01/14/aviva-pressed-to-recall-bonuses-after-share-buyback-debacle/ Investor group ShareSoc has called on Aviva to claw back bonuses paid in 2018 after the provider was censured for 'potentially misleading' the market in its share buyback saga.

A tale of three AGMs

by Cliff Weight Last week I went to 3 AGMs. Aviva on Wednesday, 10 May in London and then Lloyds in the morning of the 11th and RBS in the afternoon, both in Edinburgh. Aviva was very well attended with about 600 people in the Queen Elizabeth Centre. There were plenty of displays of the Aviva products, lots of staff to explain them and deal with any customer issues or complaints. There were also stands explaining the business (noticeable by its absence was ...

No More Dividend Cheques From Aviva

It has been brought to my attention that insurance company Aviva (AV.) are to stop paying dividends via cheque. Unless shareholders supply bank account information and accept direct payments into them, they will not get paid their dividends in future. This particularly affects those shareholders who hold their shares in certificated form or as personal crest members where payment by cheque is the default method. Another company that introduced this rule a year or two back was Vodafone, despite the objections of ...