Daily Mail, 2 August 2019, Aston Martin advisers pocket fees as individual investors lose 75% of their IPO investment

Aston Martin and its financial advisors have come under fire over the disastrous performance of its shares since its £4.3billion float. Sharesoc, the retail investors' champion, accused them of over-pricing the car maker's shares in its stock market debut – and said this was partly to blame for a 74 per cent fall since then... See

IPOs, Platforms, Growth Stocks and Shareholder Rights

I agreed with FT writer Neil Collins in a previous article when discussing the prospective IPO of Aston Martin (AML) – “never buy a share in an initial public offering” he suggested because those who are selling know more about the stock than you do. We were certainly right about that company because the share price is now 24% below the IPO price. Smithson Investment Trust (SSON) did rather better on its first day of trading on Friday, moving to a 2% premium. ...