
This page catalogues our monthly newsletters, with summaries of their content. Full members of ShareSoc can download any newsletter from here, by clicking on the relevant newsletter . Go here to subscribe and become a full member of ShareSoc, in order to access our full newsletter library and gain many other member benefits:

March 2014

Barclays Bank and Rolls-Royce results, EGM requisition at Leaf Clean Energy, ShareScope special offer, Royal Bank of Scotland, Essar Energy and Camkids, Blinkx, Company Seminar, Financial repression to continue, Stop losses and shorting, RM share consolidation, Remuneration Policies - Baronsmead VCT 3 and EasyJet, Analysts forecasts and Persimmon, Company Seminar Report - NewRiver Retail, Ilika, DotDigital and IS Solutions, Crowdfunding rules confirmed, Scottish Mortgage Trust reduces fees

February 2014

Blinkx - More Market Abuse?, Albemarle & Bond, UKValueInvestor Special Offer, Silverdell Meeting Report, Investors Chornicle Tips, Fundsmith Progress, AIM is no longer a dog, EuroFinUse adopts Manifesto, Response to Fiducuary Duties Consultation, Member Survey Results, Investment Trust Discounts, Who Runs Investment Trusts?, Inflation Down?, Hargreaves Lansdown's revised charges, How to Avoid the Duds, Hargreaves Lansdown Company Review, Retail Sector Review, British Smaller Companies whitewash

January 2014

Christmas goodwill from Avocet and a present for the kids, B&B Finance Director fined, BAE Systems, Survey on Voting and Nominees, Timetotrade Special Offer, Company Seminar, Market Prognostications, Three Years On, Investing is a Lonely Task, VCTs and Tax Relief Abuses, KIVA Crowd Funding, Silverdell, Simplifying Your Life, Fiduciary Duty Consultation, Market Abuse, Non-Exec Directors, Company Reviews - MoPowered and GameAccount Network, Decline of the British Empire

December 2013

RBS and the unacceptable face of banking, Hibu - a most peculiar EGM and more on RBS, Bradford & Bingley, How many corporate jets does Tesco need?, Directors' Pay and Galliford Try - Apathy reigns, Albemarle & Bond, Stockpedia Special Offer, Netcall AGM Report, Collective Engagement - a new "City Club" for institutions?, FCA Consultation on Crowdfunding, The Chancellor's Autumn Statement - What's in it for investors?, Are AIM Tech Company Directors underpaid?, A "John Lee" stock screen, How I became an ISA Millionaire, The ...

November 2013

Bulletin Boards and Globo, Declam succumbs to Takeover Offer, Co-Operative Bank, Royal Mail IPO, Problem companies-Hibu,Vicorp, Avia Health Informatics, Invu, Albemarle & Bond, Trusting the Regulators, London Investor Show, Company Owners to be disclosed, APCIMS and SIPPDEAL name changes, Bank of England policy change, Top performing VCTs, Limits to the power of controlling shareholders, A cap on ISA holdings?, Trade your pension, Rights issues and open offers, Vicorp General Meeting, Book Review - Inflation Tax, Changes to ShareSoc Membership Structure, Improved ShareSoc ...

October 2013

Royal Mail IPO, Downing VCTs Merger, Lloyds Bank stake sale, Barclays accounting, Real Good Food, New pay rules and MS International, Robert Peston goes shopping and Carpetright, Abbey Protection, Diageo AGM votes, FTSE100 Pay, Share options and perverse incentives, Personal Crest Accounts, Direct share ownership increasing, How to pick small cap stocks and Harry Nimmo, Clear Books and Crowd Funding, City of London Investment Group AGM, ShareSoc Technology Seminar Report (Armour Group, Ideagen and Regenersis), London investor Show, Takeover Panel rule ...

September 2013

Vodafone/Verizon Deal, Vodafone - an Effective Divident Cut?, Royal Bank of Scotland - lawyers are queuing up, RSM Tenon PrePack, Dunedin Enterprise, Kentz - Keeping shareholders in the dark, Media Corporation, Elektron Technology, Cambridge Cognition, Transparency and Trust, JKX Oil, Improving Governance and Shareholder Engagement, Quality Companies and How to Pick Them, Buying more shares - when should you do it?, Popular AIM shares, Technology Company Seminar invite, The End of Share Certficates, GB Group company review, New Site Map, Book Review

August 2013

Source Bioscience & Vindon, Esure and IPOs, SocialGO gives up, AIM delistings and Avia Health Informatics, BAE Interims, Silverdell, Hibu Shareholder Action Group, Renishaw - no more chats with the CEO, Elementis and Gulf Keystone board changes, City of London Investment Trust removes performance fee, Votes against holding meetings at short notice, ISA statistics, AIM shares in ISAs, Consultation on VCT buy-backs, ShareSoc AGM report, Members Meeting in Stokenchurch, Invensys and long term holders, Share scheme adjustments, Shining a torch into the ...

July 2013

HiWave (NXT), Dick Olver knighthood, Rewards for failure - BAE Systems and Babcock, Voting Recommendations - Rensburg AIM VCT and Intercede, Performance fees at VCTs - Maven VCTs and British Smaller Companies, Nothern Venture Trust performance fee, AIM shares in ISAs, Tax evasion and a register of beneficial owners, Gold and gold miners, PIBS holders to take a haircut again at the Co-op (Britannia)?, Tesco AGM report, Rating Agencies, Criminal liability of directors for reckless behaviour?, Book review - Simple But Not Easy, Silverdell and ...

June 2013

BAE Systems and Questions at AGMs, RBS Public Offer to be a CFD?, Cosalt, Colombian Mineral Resources, Where there's muck...., Rightmove and Smart TVs, Pay romps ahead, You may be forced to stay off the booze, Presentations at AGMs, Presenting results - Blinkx, Investment trust income distributions - HgCapital, Quadratic vote buying, PV Crystalox Solar AGM, SME Access to Capital, ICAEW Paper, Greggs company review, Investing in Loans, MyShares UK App