Associate Membership

You can start receiving some of the benefits of membership of ShareSoc by simply registering from this web page. You will then receive a summary version of our newsletters and be able to attend ShareSoc meetings. All we ask is that you generally support our aims. Complete the form below and submit it to register as an Associate Member. You can unsubscribe at any time and there is otherwise no obligation incurred by registering.

Sign up now to start receiving the benefits of membership.
For information on Full Membership and its benefits, go here: Membership

  • For example, a friend, trade show, Twitter, etc.
  • It would be most helpful if you could tell us what prompted you to join.

A telephone number is only requested in case of query. It can be omitted if preferred. A postal address is required but will only be used in exceptional circumstances – most communication will be via email. An email address must be supplied (refer to the Full Membership page if you want communications via post). Refer to our Legal page if you wish to read our privacy policy and other terms that apply to membership. Note that Associate Membership does not give you voting rights in the organisation.
IMPORTANT:  You should receive confirmation via email of your membership registration within 24 hours of submitting your registration using the above form. If for any reason, that does not arrive, please let us know immediately by telephoning 0333-200-1595.