ShareSoc Calls for Revitalised AGMs

PRESS RELEASE 45 (11/04/2013)

General meetings are one of the best opportunities for companies to communicate with their owners: the shareholders. But ShareSoc members often find that Annual General Meetings are not the lively and mutually informative occasions that they should be. With the main AGM season looming, ShareSoc has published a document explaining how they should be run. This 12-page note provides guidance on how to get the best out of such meetings, both for shareholders attending and those managing or chairing such meetings.

General Meetings of public companies are sometimes perceived as being a moribund institution with an archaic format and often populated only by those who have the time to spare. But they can be enormously useful for investors when they are properly run. However they are frequently defective in a number of ways, with directors missing the opportunity to communicate with all their shareholders.

We hope our new guide will improve matters in the coming months – to read it click on this link:

For further information, please contact:

Roger W. Lawson, Or; Stan Grierson, ShareSoc Chairman, ShareSoc Telephone 01628-522514 Telephone: 020-8467-2686

Notes: Any members of the press who wish to receive a complimentary copy of our informative monthly newsletter should send a request to . Our newsletters cover not just the affairs of our organisation but contain general financial news and commentary. An example of our past newsletters is available on our web site. You can also follow ShareSoc on Twitter from @ShareSocUK.

About the UK Individual Shareholders Society (ShareSoc)

ShareSoc represents and supports individual investors who invest in the UK stock market (and who own as much as 30% of the shares in UK public companies in aggregate). We are a mutual association controlled by our members with “not-for-profit” articles and incorporated as a company limited by guarantee. The organisation is financed by member subscriptions, donations from supporters and by the services it provides to members. More information on ShareSoc can be obtained from our web site at .

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