About ShareSoc

ShareSoc is the UK’s leading advocate for individual investors. We are committed to empowering you with the knowledge, resources, and support needed to enhance your investment skills and safeguard your financial interests. We champion shareholder rights, challenging corporations and government entities alike to ensure fair and equitable treatment for all private shareholders.


Many of the faults in the UK share investment scene arise from private shareholders having no voice.

Only by speaking out about what is wrong can investors hope to influence national policies or companies. But individual investors need to band together and talk with a unified voice if they are to heard. As an Association for UK shareholders, we can do just that. See our page on representation to learn how we represent your interests by campaigning and responding to official consultations.


Investors often lack the required knowledge to understand the issues, or they are misled by politicians or company directors.

ShareSoc tries to ensure you are fully informed.


There is a dearth of high quality, truly independent, advice and education for self-directed investors interested in investing (as opposed to speculating) in the stock market. ShareSoc aims to fill that gap.


ShareSoc is a not-for-profit organisation, supported by donations and membership subscriptions from the members who control the organisation. It is incorporated as a company limited by guarantee, and run by a conventional board of directors, elected by our members. At present, all our directors are volunteers, not paid for their services as directors. Go to Membership for more information on participation and how to join.


We provide a comprehensive range of services to individual investors, including news and information, support for direct investment, representation, education and advice, networking and company reports. Visit our services page for full details.

ShareSoc is dedicated to the support of individual investors (private shareholders as opposed to institutional investors – although directors or employees of institutions can join as individual members if they wish). Our aim is to make and keep you better informed so as to improve your investment skills, and protect the value of your investments. We won’t shirk from tackling companies, the Government or other institutions if we think you are not being treated fairly.

See our Objects for our full mission statement and Policies for the investment policies we advocate.